Rating 5

Absolute impeccable advanced skincare.

BANSIANG Full Set of Skincare regimen consists of a total of 8 items:

-Hyaluronic Acid Repair Liquid
-Snow Brightening Essence
-Whitening Anti-Freckle Cream
-Amino Acid Cleanser
-Repair Essence Water
-Repair Essence Lotion
-UV Protection Lotion
-Cold Compress Mask

  • As your skin needs to SHIFT WITH AGE, so will your products – INVEST in an advanced TECHNOLOGY and NATURAL INGREDIENTS that delivers Result.”
  • Results are only seen through CONSISTENT use, apply in order of consistency – from thinnest to thickest.”
  • Our skin comes in contact with environmental pollutants, dirt, and other factors each day that should be GENTLY removed.”

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